Thursday, March 31, 2011

AITians for India

Crowd in the Old Boys Mess
Yesterday's match between India and Pakistan for World Cup 2011 final saw a great enthusiasm in the entire nation. The similar was the scene in AIT. Students gave an over reaction to the match. Many students bunked the classes.

Boys leaving mess after first innings
Lots and lots of students could be seen watching the crucial match in Hostel Mess, live streaming in the rooms and as the darkness appeared, the crowd directed towards the big screen of Raman Theatre in the academic block. The theatre was booming with the commentry of the match with the live video directly from the DD National with ultimate video quality.

Huge waves of claps and shouts did almost shake the walls of the premises. On every dot ball, every wicket and every boundary, the volume increased hundred times. And as the India won the match with the final wicket drop of Pakistan, students ran up the stage and started dancing.

We are not aware yet whether the finals for WC will also be projected in Raman Theater.

Fun Facts:
1) More claps and shouts came up for the 'beautiful faces' that came in between the match showcased in the theater.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

India v/s Pakistan in Raman Theatre

We have come to know that there is a probability that tomorrow's Indo-Pak Cricket match for the semi-finals of WC will be projected in the Raman Theatre. Though, the news has not been confirmed yet. There is a fuss all around that there will be a half day tomorrow for the case. Whereas few say that only the second innings will be projected. If the second statement is true, there will be ample darkness also before the second innings start and there might also be no need of half day as well.

On the contrary, if all this news is just a rumor, the aforesaid probablity is zero and no projection has been allowed by the administration, then life gets back to normal again. By the time comes, nothing can be said. But it would be a great thrill if the news is true.

Fun Fact:
1) Indo-Pak Cricket diplomacy: Click here
2) Hope for the projection in finals also (India v/s Sri-Lanka)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

ANG breaks its own 5 months old record

ANG (AIT News Group) breaks its own 5 months old record of having number of pageviews in a month. After the ANG was made in August 2010, its viewers per month kept on increasing in almost linear manner per month and reached at a max of 1089 vieweres in October 2010 alone. But since November 2010 exams till Jan 2011, the amount of news decreased, and so the viewers.

But Feb 2011 gave a rise and a record breaking linear increase was seen in the graph for the March 2011. ANG had more than 1500 views in the the month of March and is still counting.

ANG had a target of having at least 1000 views in Feb which was almost in hands with 937 views. But the March is not yet over. Still 5 days are remaining and we are seeking for a better record.

We provide you with the quality news. And we assure to serve you even better in future.The ANG is very grateful to all the viewers for they made this blog a success. Thanks to you all guys.

We request to all the viewers to kindly click on the follow this blog to increase our moral and enthusiasm to serve you better. To follow this blog, click on the 'FOLLOW' link under 'Followers' section as shown adjacent.

Fun Facts:
1) The ANG has disabled blogger to trace the visits by the editors. So, the statistics are purely based on the third party visit to the blog i.e. you.

Filling up of Forms over today

The torn forms behind Raman Theatre

After 4 days of long process of filling up of forms for examinations by AITians under PU are over today. The first 3 days saw a sequence of forms for FEs (21 March), SEs (22 March) and TEs (23 March) followed by the BEs and Alumni (with backlogs).

This year, even after the fee for examination was paid along with annual fee, students had to pay extra INR 60/- due to increase in fee (orders from PU).

Sad Facts:
1) As always, a lot of papers like photocopies of marksheets, exam forms, re-eval forms, challans etc were wasted by the student mass while filling wrongly as instructed. Those papers were thrown by AITians in the space behind Theatre. Though they were in hurry, this is not expected by future professionals. Kindly use dustbins.

OSAC welcomes new recruits

Since few days, as last year, OSAC (Open Source Activity Centre) have been inviting interested applicants from all over the AIT to join the group.

Finally, after tests conducted to filter out the 'creme-de-la-creme', Mr. Prince Mishra (BE Comp), Secretary announces on facebook that 39 out of 110 FEs and SEs were selected. His link to this for further info is here.

The counterpart secretary of the group along with Prince Mishra (BE Comp) is Ruhi Mudgil (TE IT).

Blood donation camp

Busy secretary in Red
The second blood donation camp of this year was organised yesterday. Most of students came to know about it only at the same day of the donation.  Our correspondent came to know about this on March 23. So we went to know the details of the event. But the current NSS Secretary, Mr. Hariswaroop Gangwar (TE Comp) was too busy to talk to AIT News team.

Our team witnessed the AFMC bus going back with the blood in Vishrantwadi at about 3:30PM.

Fun Facts:
1) This time, the return to the AITians were white caps with AFMC mark on it. Last semester, it was the T-Shirts with the logo of transfusion department of AFMC, Pune.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Happy Holi

Administration announced holiday on 19th March and 20th March on occasion of Holika Dahan and Dhulandi. The notice can be seen on your respective notice boards. What would be arrangements for celebrating the colorful festival in open air is yet unknown to us. But at least we hope, that unlike last year, we will get water to bath after playing colors.

And yes, keep in mind. The washerman will not accept your colored clothes unless they are once washed by you as well. Please play an eco-friendly Holi with organic colors. Take care of eyes. Kindly avoid eggs and other cosmetics. Enjoy. Happy Holi from us.

Fun Facts:
1) 19th March was already a holiday, for being the third Saturday of the month.
2) 20th March was already a holiday, for being Sunday. :)
3) The image shown adjacent is the a copy of official Notice on the OBH Notice Board. See carefully. It was intended for Library.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Two AITians organising National level competition

Abhishek Jha (SE Comp) and Neeraj Parmar (SE Comp) from AIT are organising a national level coding competition. The competition is named as "Coder Cup". The online registrations for this competition have not yet started. They are most probably starting from March 13, 2011. The website for this 'cup' is

Initially, both these guys started their journey with a mindset of getting internship from a local company in Pune. Soon, they made a company of their own named as NOTION. They launched a website "FUNTI". After its success, their ambitions got increased and they contacted a company, FUTURE-TECH. They made a deal with it and started the grand project.

Few of the major cities being covered under this competition are Pune, Chandigarh, Bangalore, Mumbai, Jaipur and Lucknow. The winners will be provided with the prizes of Branded Laptop, Cash prizes, internships with package of Rs. 2 Lakh. And not only this. The college whose students get among the top 50 ranks (All India) will be visited by the Future Tech for internships.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Dates of result are out

The delay of results is annoying almost all the students of AIT. And the same is the case all across the colleges affiliated with the University of Pune.

Now, finally the dates of result declaration are out. Adjacent is the image of the a news in Pune Mirror dated 10 March 2011 on page 9. It clearly says that the results will be declared on

First year - March 12
SE & TE - March 16
BE - March 18, 2011

Mag Borad invites Articles

The Magazine Board Secretaries i.e. Ishan Dutt (TE Comp) and Parina Magu (TE Comp), on behalf of entire Mag-Board, are inviting the articles from the AITians for the annual AIT magazine, 'Srijna'.

The language of your entry must be either English or Hindi.

It can be poems, cover-stories etc. also if you believe it should be published in the magazine..The last date for acceptance of the articles are March 15, 2011. So, hurry and pick up pen and paper to get your writings published.

Fun Facts: It is not necessary that the entry you submit will get published as it is. The editing board may edit or even dismiss your article completely, depending if your entry does not stand against some norms of the board. So, make sure that your entry is having its own level of standard to get published unedited. :)

Tech Aakriti'11 detailed

The detailed scores of different branches in Tech-Aakriti'11 were as follows:

Source: Avjeet Kumar (TE E&TC), Tech-Aakriti Secretary, 2011

To download PDF for even more detailed result with the winners' names, click here. (File Size: 3.06 Mb)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

AIT launches new website

On Feb 24, 2011 in the Annual function of the college (AIT Day), Maj General P N Monga, Chief Signal Officer, Southern Command declared in the Raman theatre of AIT that the new website of the college is now open. After this, the site was showcased on the big screen in front of the population of 1200.

Click here to go on the new website of AIT.

After keeping a lot of points in mind regarding the older website of the college, the need of an entirely new college website was felt. The idea was first proposed by Mr. Tosif Ahmed (BE Comp 2008). After the instigatiuon of this fire, the task was initiated. Mr. Vijay Krishna (BE Comp 2010) designed, managed and prepared the initial content for the website. He also designed the user interface for the website. After this, a special team of ladies and gentlemen was composed among the students of AIT only, to get this job done in a professional wayPrince Mishra (BE Comp), Paritosh Chhibber (BE E&TC) Nikant Ahlawat (BE Comp), Karan Ranawat (TE Comp), Akshay Sehgal (TE Comp), Pallavi Sandhu (TE E&TC), Nitika Pandey (SE IT), Avinash Kuri (SE Comp) and Sandeep Pal (SE  Comp) were the members of this specialized team. The team have been working hard in the task since long time and the result is here, well in time

One of the major feature of this website is the integration of SIS (Student Information System). This would be a compendium about all the database of students data that is present in the college record from their monthly attendance to complete four years data. Its login system will be open after some time.  The SIS will be dynamic in nature.

In addition to SIS, this site also has separate sections for common notices, departmental notices, event section etc.
Fun Facts
1) About two weeks ago, the work was declared as 'DONE'. But the hon'ble director of AIT asked them to adjust the background color of the site a little before launching it. Though, the work was minor, team decided to do all the labor again from the root level, in an entirely different and better technology. And they finished it all in another single night.

2) Currently, both websites of AIT are functional. This is because the college prospectus for the batch 2011-2015 were printed before the latest website was complete, and hence the URL of only the older site is in the public reach.

3) The new website of AIT itself has a NEWS section. A competition to our news group :P. Click here to see the mentioned news page.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Summing up the tech

After getting over with "Pace-What's your Game" and a declarative statement of Brig. (Retd.) S. K. Lahiri, Director, AIT, that the Pace will keep its dates of opening ceremony unchanged from now on, i.e. 4th of Feb every year, the incharge for sports events, Mr. A. K. Singh, lecturer in Mathematics, and Miss Monika Sharma (TE Comp) Sports secretary (Girls) took a breath of relief on the closing ceremony night.

Soon followed the Tech-Aakriti. The three day war between the branches setteled down on the final night. The closing ceremony was started by screen projection of final CS match (b/w Comp and E&TC) followed by Movie-making shows. And with almost double margin of scores from the runner up E&TC, the Computer students proved that they are the most techie. And the Tech-Aakriti Trophy went to "The Department of Computer Engineering" compensating the loss of Sports-Aakriti Trophy and Culturals-Aakriti (both of which went to E&TC) to some extent.

As planned, came a series of quizes, both internal and external. And finally, the grand opening of the pride of AIT, the "Solutions Tech Fest" was on Feb 21. Hundreds of students all across the Pune and beyond participated from more than 50 colleges and the scenario was an amazing one. Greetings to for a wonderful completion of these events.

After busy 3 days and successful closing of Solutions, AIT Day was celebrated on Feb 24. Many formalities were to be finished this night and the most awaited among them was the "Aakriti Trophy 2011". To almost all the students, it was an assumption as if the sole winner is E&TC, but the shocking news to all was, that trophy was announced being won by Computers. A dream for Computers since long came true under branch heads, Vinay Mor & Himanshu Chaturvedi (boys) and Parina Magu & Tanvi Agarwal (girls).

To be noted that during Aakriti 2010 (last year), Sports trophy was won by Comp, Culturals by E&TC and Aakrity trophy by E&TC. Tech trophy was not provided last year. Even prior to that, Aakriti 2009 was won in joint by Mech and E&TC.

Well, after the AIT Day night celebrations, returned back the normal routine as the Mid-Semester exams were scheduled from March 1. At present, the same exams are in progress.

Fun facts:
1) After bitterly loosing the final match in Basketball against FC Pune, AIT again won the Pace Trophy like previous year.

2) For the first time (as far as our reporters know to the best of their knowledge), Girls entered the dome above the Boys Mess near OBH this year. This was made in accordance of the chess matches under PACE.

3) ENTC-B was an issue during the Sports-cum-Cultural Aakriti and they were allowed to struggle for the Aakriti independently. On the contrary, no one cared that the points divided then became useless when ENTC-B was broken into 4 parts under Tech-Aakriti. A major skip.

4) The Secretaries made it compulsory this time to have subtitles in Movie-Making (PIXELS) due to last year's experience of noise in recording as well as playback of the dialogues and sound effects. Surprisingly, Mech and Comp had wonderful sound recordings. And Comp was the only branch to have SRT file as subtitles. A techy approach indeed.

5) For all the branches, there were two branch heads in Tech-Aakriti. One of them was a boy and the other was a girl. Mechanical was the only team to have both its branch heads as boys i.e. Pradeep Mishra and Nagendra Singh Chauhan. (Click here to view the source).

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

eMAGe launched

The magazine Board have finally launched the eMAGe '11 alpha version under the tag line "Simply Arbit", the first eMAGe in AIT's history which is themeless, yet has much to read and enjoy. Most of the content and articles are written by the FE power of the board.

About 10 days back, the Magazine board released the beta version of this online magazine. On considering the problems that were encountered by the new secretary, Ishan in compiling foreign language fonts in Photoshop editing, the latest version was released.

A flat 10 page space is allotted for the messages from women of Venus to men of Mars and vice-versa (and also anonymous).

Enjoy it by downloading the 9.4 Mb sized PDF file by clicking here.

As a sight of critics, few of the points were found as negligence of the current board members.
1) The page 33 says that the next eMAGe will be released in the month of January-February whereas the current eMAGe itself was released in February. This page had always been a copy-paste since the first issue of eMAGe ever.
2) A lot of people are complaining about the messages that they were not released the same as given.
3) The latest eMAGe has not been uploaded on the web page given THIS whereas, the same page is provided at the last page of the eMAGe '11 by the editors.

To be noted that the first eMAGe was launched in 2007 and since then, it was released twice per year (once per semester). This is first time when it is released for the first (and last) time of the session under the secretaries, Ishan Dutt (TE Comp) and Parina Magu (TE Comp).